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EXPO - Jannis Psychopedis & Kiki Dimoula
18.10.2007  at  


In times of endless challenge poetry provides necessary, indispensable structure. It is an aid and a prop for those in need of resolve, companionship and support, as well as a continual, never-ending search for measure: an absolute value in times of relativity, frustration and obsolescence. Poetry and painting are like two indomitable rivers coursing side by side, each with its own waters and fed from its own sources, yet rising from a common origin deep in the bowels of the earth.
When painting and poetry converse, they do so without submission. They travel on distinct, parallel courses across a common expressive terrain, towards shared goals, without taking their eyes off one another.
In artistic osmosis, painting and poetry each retain their own discourse, their own idiom, their own language. They neither illustrate nor translate one another into obvious images of conventional belief.
Rather, the two come together in a spontaneous, secretive encounter, each naming and asserting its differences in the hope of knowing the other better -- perhaps the only way for them to become truly acquainted.

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